Friday, September 29, 2006

cRzaY waEtReh

Hot - Cold - Cold - Hot - Cold - Hot - Hot
Winter - Summer - Summer - Winter - Summer - Winter - Winter


It's Fall now-lah!


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Vending Machines

Back home, the vending machines that I know only dispenses drinks. Mostly are drink that are in a can or box, and some hot beverages in a cup. Vending machines are usually found in places where it is kinda impossible to put someone there to sell stuff.
Snacks and food like buns and sandwiches are acceptable as vending machines are meant to provide a 'grab n go' kinda service.
I found this in the middle of a huge mall in Chicago.

Vending machines selling cellphones!

Does it even bothers you to spend some time in a shop looking/buying a phone?

Or is it "Oh! I forgot my cell today." So off you go to a vending machine and et yourself one. Two days later, you left it in the office and off you go to a vending machine and get another one. Just like when you need some food/drinks/snacks and you realised there's no place for you to get one, and you're in a hurry, but it's a cellphone instead.


Sunday, September 17, 2006


A very nice bar opened by the owners of a Thai restaurant in town.

It has a very nicely set up bar on one side and some sorta fusion restaurant on the other side.
At least there's something different other than pubs, pubs, and pubs.
Finally there's a place that I'd like to hang out in.
It's just that it'll be very priceeeey... =(

I couldn't take any pictures of the place coz i forgot my camera, and all I have is my phone and it does no justice to the place if i took pictures with it.

Poo, the owner. Tang. and some random guy who wanted to be in our pictures.


Pink & Ong.

Pink & M.

Tao. Jam.